Build an App

Webhooks App


You can use the ScreenCloud webhook app to develop custom inputs that can be pushed to Studio and utilise our core onscreen design language, ensuring your content looks great on screen. This guide will help get you setup.

Setting Up the App Instance

Begin by installing the Webhooks app from the Studio App store. Create a new instance, after which you'll then name your webhook and click the Generate webhook button. This will return a unique webhook URL and an API key, both essential for sending webhook requests.

Here's what your unique webhook URL will look like:


Your API key will be a 24-character alphanumeric string, such as:


IMPORTANT: Please make sure to record the API key, as you won't have the opportunity to view it again after navigating away from this page.

Sending a Webhook Request

After obtaining your unique webhook URL and API key, you're all set to send your webhooks. You should POST all webhooks to your designated URL, including the API key within the X-API-Key header:

POST /v1/hooks/816ce4d8-c0cc-476b-8121-33e600e0e33e HTTP/1.1
X-API-Key: S8IjvxXE1x6PcwvmClcVfH6r

Webhook Data Format

Ensure you send the content of your webhook in the JSON format within the request body to the specified URL. The structure of your data payload is crucial and should adhere to the following schema:

"items": [
"itemId": "12345",
"dateCreated": "2024-02-01T12:00:00Z",
"lastEditedTime": "2024-02-01T12:30:00Z",
"messageUrl": "",
"author": {
"displayName": "David Jones",
"profileImage": {
"url": ""
"content": {
"title": {
"content": "Sample Title"
"body": {
"content": "This is a sample body content for the hook."
"attachments": [
"contentType": "image",
"url": ""

Webhook Params

itemIdstringNoYour own internal identifier.
dateCreatedstringNoUTC date string item was created.
lastEditedTimestringNoUTC date string item was last edited.
messageUrlstringNoWill generate a QR code to the message source URL.
author.displayNamestringNoDisplay the author name.
author.profileImage.urlstringNoDisplay an author profile image.
content.title.contentstringNoTitle of the webhook post.
content.body.contentstringNoMain body content of the webhook post.
attachments.contentTypeimage, linkNoCurrently only supports image or link
attachments.urlstring[]NoAccompanying image for the webhook post.

You must supply at least one of the following fields: content.title.content, content.body.content, or attachments.url. Combinations of these fields are also acceptable.

Display Formats

Below are examples showcasing various display formats your webhooks will adopt when they appear on screen. The layout may vary slightly based on the content of your webhook. These illustrations aim to provide an overview of potential layouts.

Show full content screenshot

full content post

The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"author": {
"displayName": "David Jones",
"profileImage": {
"url": ""
"content": {
"title": {
"content": "Welcome to our new London Office!"
"body": {
"content": "We are excited to announce the opening of our new office in London. The new office is located in the heart of the city and will be the new home for our growing team. We ar elooking forward to welcoming our clients and partners to our new office."
"attachments": [
"contentType": "image",
"url": ""
Show title only screenshot

title only post

The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"content": {
"title": {
"content": "Huge thanks to Emma for her hard work on the new project."
Show body only screenshot

body only post

The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"content": {
"body": {
"content": "Happy Anniversary to Richard. 2 years at the company today. Thanks for all your hard work!"
Show image only screenshot

image only post

The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"attachments": [
"contentType": "image",
"url": ""
Show title and QR code screenshot

title and QR code post

The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"messageUrl": "",
"content": {
"title": {
"content": "Huge thanks to Emma for her hard work on the new project."
Show title and link screenshot

title and link post A large call to action QR Code represents the link. The user can scan the QR Code and they will be taken to the link. The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"content": {
"title": {
"content": "View the latest Health and Safety Information"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "link",
"url": ""
Show link only screenshot

title and link post A large call to action QR Code represents the link. The user can scan the QR Code and they will be taken to the link. The example below demonstrates the simplest data structure you would POST to achieve the above result.

"items": [
"author": {
"displayName": "Mike Smith"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "link",
"url": ""

Error Responses

Every error response you get from a webhook POST will be in the format outlined below. Essentially, you'll be given a list of all errors detected in your POST request. Receiving any error means the request has failed, and your webhook wasn't processed. Address the errors and attempt the request once more.

"messages": ["At least one of title, body, or attachment is required"]

Problematic Attachments

When you include attachments with a specified contentType of image, we'll verify not just the URL's validity and existence, but also confirm that the content type matches an image. Should this verification fail, you'll be alerted that the attachment has been excluded from the post. The webhook post will proceed successfully; however, the invalid images will be omitted.

Here's how such a response would appear:

"success": true,
"data": {
"warning": {
"message": "We were unable to access the following image attachment urls. These images have been removed from your post item. Please check the urls and try again",
"data": [
"itemId": "item-0001",
"url": ""

Code Example

The example below demonstrates how to send a webhook using cURL. Just swap out the placeholders (like the URL and API key) with your own information gathered from the initial setup step to trigger the webhook.

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-API-Key: S8IjvxXE1x6PcwvmClcVfH6r' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"items":[{"itemId":"12345","dateCreated":"2024-02-01T12:00:00Z","lastEditedTime":"2024-02-01T12:30:00Z","messageUrl":"","author":{"displayName":"David Jones","profileImage":{"url":""}},"content":{"title":{"content":"Sample Title"},"body":{"content":"This is a sample body content for the hook."}},"attachments":[{"contentType":"image","url":""}]}]}'