Studio Service



A condition to be used against BillingReseller object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’

idStringChecks for equality with the object’s `id` field.
rawJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `raw` field.
billingDistributorIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `billingDistributorId` field.
paymentOwnerIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `paymentOwnerId` field.
invoiceOwnerIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `invoiceOwnerId` field.
companyStringChecks for equality with the object’s `company` field.
firstNameStringChecks for equality with the object’s `firstName` field.
lastNameStringChecks for equality with the object’s `lastName` field.
emailStringChecks for equality with the object’s `email` field.
phoneStringChecks for equality with the object’s `phone` field.
line1StringChecks for equality with the object’s `line1` field.
line2StringChecks for equality with the object’s `line2` field.
line3StringChecks for equality with the object’s `line3` field.
cityStringChecks for equality with the object’s `city` field.
stateCodeStringChecks for equality with the object’s `stateCode` field.
stateStringChecks for equality with the object’s `state` field.
countryCountryCodeChecks for equality with the object’s `country` field.
zipStringChecks for equality with the object’s `zip` field.
deletedBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `deleted` field.
cfCloseIoIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `cfCloseIoId` field.
cfCustomerTypeStringChecks for equality with the object’s `cfCustomerType` field.
cfAllowLicenceBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `cfAllowLicence` field.
cfPrimaryStringChecks for equality with the object’s `cfPrimary` field.
cfPartnerStringChecks for equality with the object’s `cfPartner` field.
createdAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `createdAt` field.
updatedAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `updatedAt` field.