Studio Service



A condition to be used against Channel object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’

idUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `id` field.
orgIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `orgId` field.
spaceIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `spaceId` field.
nameStringChecks for equality with the object’s `name` field.
widthIntChecks for equality with the object’s `width` field.
heightIntChecks for equality with the object’s `height` field.
layoutIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `layoutId` field.
coverDataJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `coverData` field.
coverImageIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `coverImageId` field.
contentJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `content` field.
tags[String]Checks for equality with the object’s `tags` field.
hiddenZoneBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `hiddenZone` field.
isHiddenBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isHidden` field.
isPublishedBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isPublished` field.
draftOfUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `draftOf` field.
createdAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `createdAt` field.
updatedAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `updatedAt` field.
publishedAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `publishedAt` field.
createdByUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `createdBy` field.
updatedByUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `updatedBy` field.
publishedByUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `publishedBy` field.
themeIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `themeId` field.
useOrgDefaultThemeBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `useOrgDefaultTheme` field.
typeChannelTypeChecks for equality with the object’s `type` field.
isEmbedEnabledBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isEmbedEnabled` field.
isEmbedPublicBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isEmbedPublic` field.
isSharedBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isShared` field.
isSharedExplicitBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isSharedExplicit` field.
isSharedAllBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isSharedAll` field.
isEnabledBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isEnabled` field.
childOfUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `childOf` field.
preferencesJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `preferences` field.
duplicateOfUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `duplicateOf` field.