Studio Service



A condition to be used against CommonAppInstanceTemplate object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’

idUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `id` field.
nameStringChecks for equality with the object’s `name` field.
versionStringChecks for equality with the object’s `version` field.
configJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `config` field.
stateJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `state` field.
tags[String]Checks for equality with the object’s `tags` field.
createdAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `createdAt` field.
updatedAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `updatedAt` field.
statusAppInstanceStatusChecks for equality with the object’s `status` field.
thumbnailFileIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `thumbnailFileId` field.
isPublishedBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isPublished` field.
isDeprecatedBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isDeprecated` field.
sourceOrgIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `sourceOrgId` field.
sourceAppInstanceIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `sourceAppInstanceId` field.
appIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `appId` field.
isOnboardingBooleanChecks for equality with the object’s `isOnboarding` field.