Studio Service



A filter to be used against UserStatus fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

isNullBooleanIs null (if `true` is specified) or is not null (if `false` is specified).
equalToUserStatusEqual to the specified value.
notEqualToUserStatusNot equal to the specified value.
distinctFromUserStatusNot equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
notDistinctFromUserStatusEqual to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.
in[UserStatus!]Included in the specified list.
notIn[UserStatus!]Not included in the specified list.
lessThanUserStatusLess than the specified value.
lessThanOrEqualToUserStatusLess than or equal to the specified value.
greaterThanUserStatusGreater than the specified value.
greaterThanOrEqualToUserStatusGreater than or equal to the specified value.