nodeId | ID! | A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value. |
id | String! | |
billingCustomerId | String! | |
orgId | UUID! | |
raw | JSON | |
currencyCode | CurrencyCode | |
planId | String | |
planQuantity | Int | |
planUnitPrice | Int | |
planAmount | Int | |
status | String | |
remainingBillingCycles | Int | |
poNumber | String | |
paymentSourceId | String | |
autoCollection | String | |
dueInvoicesCount | Int | |
totalDues | Int | |
baseCurrencyCode | CurrencyCode | |
hasScheduledChanges | Boolean | |
cfPrimary | String | |
dueSince | Datetime | |
trialStart | Datetime | |
trialEnd | Datetime | |
currentTermStart | Datetime | |
currentTermEnd | Datetime | |
pauseDate | Datetime | |
resumeDate | Datetime | |
startDate | Datetime | |
startedAt | Datetime | |
activatedAt | Datetime | |
cancelledAt | Datetime | |
nextBillingAt | Datetime | |
createdAt | Datetime | |
metaData | JSON | |
billingCustomerByBillingCustomerId | BillingCustomer | Reads a single `BillingCustomer` that is related to this `BillingSubscriptionFuture`. |
orgByOrgId | Org | Reads a single `Org` that is related to this `BillingSubscriptionFuture`. |
billingPlanByPlanId | BillingPlan | Reads a single `BillingPlan` that is related to this `BillingSubscriptionFuture`. |
billingRenewalFutureByBillingSubscriptionId | BillingRenewalFuture | Reads a single `BillingRenewalFuture` that is related to this `BillingSubscriptionFuture`. |
billingCouponSubscriptionFuturesByBillingSubscriptionId | BillingCouponSubscriptionFuturesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. |
orderBy | [BillingCouponSubscriptionFuturesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |
condition | BillingCouponSubscriptionFutureCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. |
filter | BillingCouponSubscriptionFutureFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. |
billingAddonSubscriptionFuturesByBillingSubscriptionId | BillingAddonSubscriptionFuturesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `BillingAddonSubscriptionFuture`. |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. |
orderBy | [BillingAddonSubscriptionFuturesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `BillingAddonSubscriptionFuture`. |
condition | BillingAddonSubscriptionFutureCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. |
filter | BillingAddonSubscriptionFutureFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. |