Studio Service



The layout information, number of zones, css for zone layout but not content related.

nodeIdID!A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
idUUID!The uuid of the layout.
orgIdUUID!The uuid of the organization that layout belong to.
nameString!The name of the layout.
widthIntThe width dimension of the layout.
heightIntThe height dimension of the layout.
isFlexibleBooleanLayout is responsive to any size.
isScalableBooleanLayout is able to scale to the Channel with the same aspect ratio.
zonesInt!The number of zones of the layout (not include hidden zone).
configJSONThe configuration data of the layout - css.
orgByOrgIdOrgReads a single `Org` that is related to this `Layout`.
spaceBySpaceIdSpaceReads a single `Space` that is related to this `Layout`.
userByCreatedByUserReads a single `User` that is related to this `Layout`.
userByUpdatedByUserReads a single `User` that is related to this `Layout`.
channelsByLayoutChannelsConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `Channel`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.