Studio Service



A screen detail for each organization.

nodeIdID!A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value.
idUUID!The primary unique identifier for the screen.
orgIdUUID!The id of the organization that screen belong to.
spaceIdUUID!The id of the space that screen belong to.
screenGroupIdUUID!The id of the screen_group that screen belong to.
nameString!The name of the screen.
contentJSONThe json data of content which is channel id.
statusScreenStatus!Enum type of screen' status.
previewBoolean!To indecate the screen is in preview mode, no charge.
deviceJSONJson data of device information from screencloud eg id, device name, serial.
rotationScreenRotation!Rotation enum for 0, 90, 180 and 270.
tags[String]!The json array of tags for the screen.
envJSON!The key value pairs data for screen.
notesStringA long text input for notes anything.
preferencesJSON!A preferences for screen eg. operating hours
connectedAtDatetimeIf the screen is online, the timestamp of when the screen connected.
disconnectedAtDatetimeIf the screen is not online, the timestamp of when the screen disconnected.
isConnectedBoolean!TRUE if the screen is online.
deviceBakJSON@omit: backup of device-column, to be removed in the future
preferencesBakJSON@omit: backup of preferences-column, to be removed in the future
orgByOrgIdOrgReads a single `Org` that is related to this `Screen`.
spaceBySpaceIdSpaceReads a single `Space` that is related to this `Screen`.
screenGroupByScreenGroupIdScreenGroupReads a single `ScreenGroup` that is related to this `Screen`.
screenGroupByScreenGroupIdAndOrgIdScreenGroupReads a single `ScreenGroup` that is related to this `Screen`.
castByCastIdCastReads a single `Cast` that is related to this `Screen`.
userByCreatedByUserReads a single `User` that is related to this `Screen`.
userByUpdatedByUserReads a single `User` that is related to this `Screen`.
screenContentHistoriesByScreenIdScreenContentHistoriesConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenContentHistory`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[ScreenContentHistoriesOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `ScreenContentHistory`.
conditionScreenContentHistoryConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterScreenContentHistoryFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
screenContentHistoriesByScreenIdAndOrgIdScreenContentHistoriesConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenContentHistory`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[ScreenContentHistoriesOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `ScreenContentHistory`.
conditionScreenContentHistoryConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterScreenContentHistoryFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
notificationRulesByScreenIdAndOrgIdNotificationRulesConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `NotificationRule`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[NotificationRulesOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `NotificationRule`.
conditionNotificationRuleConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterNotificationRuleFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
associationsByFromScreenAndOrgIdAssociationsConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `Association`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[AssociationsOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `Association`.
conditionAssociationConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterAssociationFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
tagAssociationsByToScreenAndOrgIdTagAssociationsConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `TagAssociation`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[TagAssociationsOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `TagAssociation`.
conditionTagAssociationConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterTagAssociationFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
userActionLogsByScreenIdUserActionLogsConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `UserActionLog`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[UserActionLogsOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `UserActionLog`.
conditionUserActionLogConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterUserActionLogFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
screenNotesByScreenIdScreenNotesConnection!Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenNote`.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
orderBy[ScreenNotesOrderBy!]The method to use when ordering `ScreenNote`.
conditionScreenNoteConditionA condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
filterScreenNoteFilterA filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection.
appInstancesByScreenIdAppInstancesConnection!Get apps that contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
channelsByScreenIdChannelsConnection!Get channel that contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
filesByScreenIdFilesConnection!Get files that contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
isNotificationActiveBooleanGet screen notification active status
linksByScreenIdLinksConnection!Get links that contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
playlistsByScreenIdPlaylistsConnection!Get playlist that contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.
sitesByScreenIdSitesConnection!Get Sites that are contained in a screen.
firstIntOnly read the first `n` values of the set.
lastIntOnly read the last `n` values of the set.
offsetIntSkip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`.
beforeCursorRead all values in the set before (above) this cursor.
afterCursorRead all values in the set after (below) this cursor.