A screen detail for each organization.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
nodeId | ID! | A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value. | |
id | UUID! | The primary unique identifier for the screen. | |
orgId | UUID! | The id of the organization that screen belong to. | |
spaceId | UUID! | The id of the space that screen belong to. | |
screenGroupId | UUID! | The id of the screen_group that screen belong to. | |
castId | UUID | ||
name | String! | The name of the screen. | |
content | JSON | The json data of content which is channel id. | |
status | ScreenStatus! | Enum type of screen' status. | |
preview | Boolean! | To indecate the screen is in preview mode, no charge. | |
device | JSON | Json data of device information from screencloud eg id, device name, serial. | |
rotation | ScreenRotation! | Rotation enum for 0, 90, 180 and 270. | |
tags | [String]! | The json array of tags for the screen. | |
env | JSON! | The key value pairs data for screen. | |
notes | String | A long text input for notes anything. | |
createdAt | Datetime | ||
updatedAt | Datetime | ||
createdBy | UUID | ||
updatedBy | UUID | ||
preferences | JSON! | A preferences for screen eg. operating hours | |
connectedAt | Datetime | If the screen is online, the timestamp of when the screen connected. | |
disconnectedAt | Datetime | If the screen is not online, the timestamp of when the screen disconnected. | |
isConnected | Boolean! | TRUE if the screen is online. | |
deviceProvider | String | ||
deviceBak | JSON | @omit: backup of device-column, to be removed in the future | |
preferencesBak | JSON | @omit: backup of preferences-column, to be removed in the future | |
deviceId | String! | ||
deviceModel | String | ||
devicePlatform | String | ||
deviceRelease | String | ||
playerTimezone | String! | ||
playerRelease | String | ||
playerHeight | Int | ||
playerWidth | Int | ||
timezoneOverride | String! | ||
operatingHours | JSON | ||
additionalDeviceSettings | JSON! | ||
additionalPlayerSettings | JSON! | ||
timezone | String | ||
displayErrorMode | String | ||
playbackMode | String! | ||
deviceIpAddress | String | ||
deviceHostname | String | ||
deviceRaw | JSON | ||
deviceInfo | JSON | ||
videoSource | String! | ||
highResolutionImage | Boolean! | ||
messages | [JSON] | ||
orgByOrgId | Org | Reads a single `Org` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
spaceBySpaceId | Space | Reads a single `Space` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
screenGroupByScreenGroupId | ScreenGroup | Reads a single `ScreenGroup` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
screenGroupByScreenGroupIdAndOrgId | ScreenGroup | Reads a single `ScreenGroup` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
castByCastId | Cast | Reads a single `Cast` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
userByCreatedBy | User | Reads a single `User` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
userByUpdatedBy | User | Reads a single `User` that is related to this `Screen`. | |
screenContentHistoriesByScreenId | ScreenContentHistoriesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenContentHistory`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [ScreenContentHistoriesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `ScreenContentHistory`. | |
condition | ScreenContentHistoryCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | ScreenContentHistoryFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
screenContentHistoriesByScreenIdAndOrgId | ScreenContentHistoriesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenContentHistory`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [ScreenContentHistoriesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `ScreenContentHistory`. | |
condition | ScreenContentHistoryCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | ScreenContentHistoryFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
notificationRulesByScreenIdAndOrgId | NotificationRulesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `NotificationRule`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [NotificationRulesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `NotificationRule`. | |
condition | NotificationRuleCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | NotificationRuleFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
associationsByFromScreenAndOrgId | AssociationsConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `Association`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [AssociationsOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `Association`. | |
condition | AssociationCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | AssociationFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
tagAssociationsByToScreenAndOrgId | TagAssociationsConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `TagAssociation`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [TagAssociationsOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `TagAssociation`. | |
condition | TagAssociationCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | TagAssociationFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
userActionLogsByScreenId | UserActionLogsConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `UserActionLog`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [UserActionLogsOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `UserActionLog`. | |
condition | UserActionLogCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | UserActionLogFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
screenNotesByScreenId | ScreenNotesConnection! | Reads and enables pagination through a set of `ScreenNote`. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
orderBy | [ScreenNotesOrderBy!] | The method to use when ordering `ScreenNote`. | |
condition | ScreenNoteCondition | A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
filter | ScreenNoteFilter | A filter to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection. | |
appInstancesByScreenId | AppInstancesConnection! | Get apps that contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
channelsByScreenId | ChannelsConnection! | Get channel that contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
filesByScreenId | FilesConnection! | Get files that contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
isNotificationActive | Boolean | Get screen notification active status | |
linksByScreenId | LinksConnection! | Get links that contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
playlistsByScreenId | PlaylistsConnection! | Get playlist that contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. | |
sitesByScreenId | SitesConnection! | Get Sites that are contained in a screen. | |
first | Int | Only read the first `n` values of the set. | |
last | Int | Only read the last `n` values of the set. | |
offset | Int | Skip the first `n` values from our `after` cursor, an alternative to cursor based pagination. May not be used with `last`. | |
before | Cursor | Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor. | |
after | Cursor | Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor. |