Studio Service



A filter to be used against App object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

idUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `id` field.
visibilityAppVisibilityFilterFilter by the object’s `visibility` field.
categoriesStringListFilterFilter by the object’s `categories` field.
requirementsStringListFilterFilter by the object’s `requirements` field.
nameStringFilterFilter by the object’s `name` field.
scrnStringFilterFilter by the object’s `scrn` field.
descriptionStringFilterFilter by the object’s `description` field.
iconUrlStringFilterFilter by the object’s `iconUrl` field.
developerStringFilterFilter by the object’s `developer` field.
tagsStringListFilterFilter by the object’s `tags` field.
createdAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `createdAt` field.
updatedAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `updatedAt` field.
defaultInstallAppDefaultInstallTypeFilterFilter by the object’s `defaultInstall` field.
slugStringFilterFilter by the object’s `slug` field.
and[AppFilter!]Checks for all expressions in this list.
or[AppFilter!]Checks for any expressions in this list.
notAppFilterNegates the expression.