Studio Service



A filter to be used against Org object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

idUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `id` field.
nameStringFilterFilter by the object’s `name` field.
slugStringFilterFilter by the object’s `slug` field.
statusOrgStatusFilterFilter by the object’s `status` field.
brandForegroundColorStringFilterFilter by the object’s `brandForegroundColor` field.
brandBackgroundColorStringFilterFilter by the object’s `brandBackgroundColor` field.
defaultUserPermissionsStringListFilterFilter by the object’s `defaultUserPermissions` field.
featureFlagsCacheStringListFilterFilter by the object’s `featureFlagsCache` field.
preferencesJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `preferences` field.
envJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `env` field.
createdAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `createdAt` field.
updatedAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `updatedAt` field.
deletedAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `deletedAt` field.
createdByUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `createdBy` field.
updatedByUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `updatedBy` field.
deletedByUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `deletedBy` field.
blankChannelIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `blankChannelId` field.
brandChannelIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `brandChannelId` field.
startChannelIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `startChannelId` field.
brandLogoIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `brandLogoId` field.
brandBackgroundIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `brandBackgroundId` field.
defaultChannelThemeIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `defaultChannelThemeId` field.
splashChannelThemeIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `splashChannelThemeId` field.
billingCustomerIdStringFilterFilter by the object’s `billingCustomerId` field.
isDraftBooleanFilterFilter by the object’s `isDraft` field.
billingDistributorIdStringFilterFilter by the object’s `billingDistributorId` field.
billingResellerIdStringFilterFilter by the object’s `billingResellerId` field.
billingExpiresAtDateFilterFilter by the object’s `billingExpiresAt` field.
billingFeatureFlagsCacheJSONListFilterFilter by the object’s `billingFeatureFlagsCache` field.
and[OrgFilter!]Checks for all expressions in this list.
or[OrgFilter!]Checks for any expressions in this list.
notOrgFilterNegates the expression.