nodeId | ID! | A globally unique identifier. Can be used in various places throughout the system to identify this single value. |
billingCouponId | String! | |
billingSubscriptionId | String! | |
billingCustomerId | String! | |
orgId | UUID! | |
raw | JSON | |
billingCouponByBillingCouponId | BillingCoupon | Reads a single `BillingCoupon` that is related to this `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |
billingSubscriptionFutureByBillingSubscriptionId | BillingSubscriptionFuture | Reads a single `BillingSubscriptionFuture` that is related to this `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |
billingCustomerByBillingCustomerId | BillingCustomer | Reads a single `BillingCustomer` that is related to this `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |
orgByOrgId | Org | Reads a single `Org` that is related to this `BillingCouponSubscriptionFuture`. |