Studio Service



A filter to be used against BillingPlan object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

idStringFilterFilter by the object’s `id` field.
rawJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `raw` field.
nameStringFilterFilter by the object’s `name` field.
descriptionStringFilterFilter by the object’s `description` field.
priceIntFilterFilter by the object’s `price` field.
currencyCodeCurrencyCodeFilterFilter by the object’s `currencyCode` field.
periodIntFilterFilter by the object’s `period` field.
periodUnitStringFilterFilter by the object’s `periodUnit` field.
trialPeriodIntFilterFilter by the object’s `trialPeriod` field.
trialPeriodUnitStringFilterFilter by the object’s `trialPeriodUnit` field.
pricingModelStringFilterFilter by the object’s `pricingModel` field.
freeQuantityIntFilterFilter by the object’s `freeQuantity` field.
statusStringFilterFilter by the object’s `status` field.
billingCyclesIntFilterFilter by the object’s `billingCycles` field.
cfSubscriptionTypeStringFilterFilter by the object’s `cfSubscriptionType` field.
cfIsLegacyBooleanFilterFilter by the object’s `cfIsLegacy` field.
cfEnterpriseBooleanFilterFilter by the object’s `cfEnterprise` field.
cfSpecialStringFilterFilter by the object’s `cfSpecial` field.
metaDataJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `metaData` field.
cfNameStringFilterFilter by the object’s `cfName` field.
cfIncludedPhysicalScreenLicensesIntFilterFilter by the object’s `cfIncludedPhysicalScreenLicenses` field.
cfIncludedVirtualScreenLicensesIntFilterFilter by the object’s `cfIncludedVirtualScreenLicenses` field.
cfVersionStringFilterFilter by the object’s `cfVersion` field.
and[BillingPlanFilter!]Checks for all expressions in this list.
or[BillingPlanFilter!]Checks for any expressions in this list.
notBillingPlanFilterNegates the expression.