Studio Service



A condition to be used against BillingRenewal object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’

billingSubscriptionIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `billingSubscriptionId` field.
billingCustomerIdStringChecks for equality with the object’s `billingCustomerId` field.
orgIdUUIDChecks for equality with the object’s `orgId` field.
rawJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `raw` field.
subTotalIntChecks for equality with the object’s `subTotal` field.
totalIntChecks for equality with the object’s `total` field.
creditsAppliedIntChecks for equality with the object’s `creditsApplied` field.
amountPaidIntChecks for equality with the object’s `amountPaid` field.
amountDueIntChecks for equality with the object’s `amountDue` field.
taxDescriptionStringChecks for equality with the object’s `taxDescription` field.
taxRateBigFloatChecks for equality with the object’s `taxRate` field.
taxAmountIntChecks for equality with the object’s `taxAmount` field.
lineItemsJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `lineItems` field.
discountsJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `discounts` field.
taxesJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `taxes` field.
lineItemTaxesJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `lineItemTaxes` field.
lineItemDiscountsJSONChecks for equality with the object’s `lineItemDiscounts` field.
nextBillingAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `nextBillingAt` field.
createdAtDatetimeChecks for equality with the object’s `createdAt` field.