Studio Service



A filter to be used against BillingRenewal object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

billingSubscriptionIdStringFilterFilter by the object’s `billingSubscriptionId` field.
billingCustomerIdStringFilterFilter by the object’s `billingCustomerId` field.
orgIdUUIDFilterFilter by the object’s `orgId` field.
rawJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `raw` field.
subTotalIntFilterFilter by the object’s `subTotal` field.
totalIntFilterFilter by the object’s `total` field.
creditsAppliedIntFilterFilter by the object’s `creditsApplied` field.
amountPaidIntFilterFilter by the object’s `amountPaid` field.
amountDueIntFilterFilter by the object’s `amountDue` field.
taxDescriptionStringFilterFilter by the object’s `taxDescription` field.
taxRateBigFloatFilterFilter by the object’s `taxRate` field.
taxAmountIntFilterFilter by the object’s `taxAmount` field.
lineItemsJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `lineItems` field.
discountsJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `discounts` field.
taxesJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `taxes` field.
lineItemTaxesJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `lineItemTaxes` field.
lineItemDiscountsJSONFilterFilter by the object’s `lineItemDiscounts` field.
nextBillingAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `nextBillingAt` field.
createdAtDatetimeFilterFilter by the object’s `createdAt` field.
and[BillingRenewalFilter!]Checks for all expressions in this list.
or[BillingRenewalFilter!]Checks for any expressions in this list.
notBillingRenewalFilterNegates the expression.